Microscan AutoVision crashes to desktop on startup

Today we encountered an issue when trying to run AutoVision. When the application was started, the splash screen would appear and then vanish after a couple of seconds. No error message or Windows crash box appeared.

After reinstalling, updating, rebooting and trying it on another machine only to get the same issue we phoned Microscan customer support. Their support was excellent and we eventually diagnosed the problem.

In order to troubleshoot it, they first attempted to start what they call the 'backplane' manually. This is an executable called avpsvr.exe in the C:\Microscan folder. This gave an error dialog complaining that a Jai dll could not be found. At this point I mentioned that we'd have already had Jai installed prior to AutoVision and maybe that was the issue.

It turned out that Jai was the issue and that if the computer already has Jai installed then the AutoVision installer won't replace the existing version with it's current version. In our case we had version 3.0.4 installed but needed a different version. The solution was to uninstall Jai, find the Jai installer in the C:\Microscan folder and install that, then run the AutoVision installer again and select repair. This performed a reinstall and fixed the issue.